Why DIY marketing materials won’t cut it: 5 reasons to hire a freelance copywriter

Picture of Vera Ovanin

Vera Ovanin

Technology Copywriter

If your marketing materials don’t grab stakeholders in the opening paragraph, consider them dead. Not on life support, respiratory aid, blood transfusion or hooked to an oxygen tank – it’s clinically dead.

After all, what’s the use of a great product or service if clients aren’t told about it in an effective way?

Whether you’re a startup founder or run a marketing communications department in a large multinational, odds are that you use written language to build relationships, drive performance and obtain results.

Still, while business people are known for their market know-how, product positioning and business strategy, they’re less known for their ability to write effectively. This is because it’s hard to be good at every single skill under the sun. You may be great in board meetings or developing sales strategy, but crafting compelling, persuasive sales copy? That’s a whole other beast. Enter the freelance copywriter – your nuclear option. If your marketing materials lack some pop you’re already behind. You don’t need any old words on a page; you need language that moves markets and gets people talking.

What is freelance copywriting? And why tech firms need it

Anyone can slap some words together. I’ve seen enough engineers write technical documents and upload them as marketing materials under the blog section. Even AI script writers can whip up a coherent narrative. But user manuals and superficial sales copy won’t cut it in the competitive tech world where innovation moves at lightning speed. Your product may be revolutionizing data analytics or cybersecurity but if your messaging is weak, you’re already losing the game. Enter the freelance copywriter who can turn your technology into something your audience feels, not just reads.

Tech firms need sharp, no-fluff content that translates technical complexity into something your clients actually care about. A freelance copywriter knows how to strip the jargon, amp up the narrative, and make your product sound as cutting-edge as it is. They’re pros at transforming tech-speak into stories that stick. So skip the DIY writing and hire a professional wordsmith—because if your sales copy doesn’t reach your prospects, your competition will.

Grasping what is freelance copywriting is key; it underscores why you need top-notch talent to amplify your brand’s voice. Bringing a freelance copywriter on board can drive your prospects into action and solidify your brand reputation. Still skeptical? Check out these five compelling reasons your organization can’t afford to miss out on hiring a freelance copywriter:

  • A freelance copywriter helps you make money

    Yes, you read that correctly. Unless you hold a monopoly in your market, you’re competing for business with other tech firms that sell similar goods and services. If your marketing pitch is not enticing enough to lure clients, they may go with a competitor whose writing tone sounds more attractive.  Unfortunately, this is what sometimes happens when promotional documents are written by non-writers. You run the risk of having potential clients perceive an otherwise great product as substandard, and lose them in the process.

    Take protein bar RxBar, for instance (I know it’s not tech, but stay with me—this story nails the point). In 2013, Peter Rahal and Jared Smith took a gutsy shot at the crowded protein bar market with RxBar, using PowerPoint to cobble together their branding. The result? It lacked punch. But by 2016, they overhauled their image, finally giving the product a visual identity as bold as their ambition. The outcome was undeniable. Just two years after the rebranding effort, RxBar was snapped up by Kellogg’s for a jaw-dropping $600 million, proving the immense value of a successful brand overhaul. Their yearly revenue surged, firmly establishing RxBar as a dominant force in the industry. Sales copy matters. Big time. Don’t waste money over poor grammar and disjointed syntax – make your life easier and hire a freelance copywriter.

  • Building brand reputation: Strategic engagement and the power of reputation marketing

    The reputation of your brand is no longer defined by traditional advertising channels that rely on shock value, high volume and boundless exposure. Screaming through a megaphone in a busy marketplace is antiquated for many brands, especially those that rely on their online presence. For tech firms, especially those in niche sectors, it’s about strategic engagement. A firm’s message needs to cut through the noise with precision, reflect their innovation showcase understanding of their specialized audience. Rather, brand reputation is about engaging your followers and stakeholders and adding value to the dialogue – not turning into static while other players move ahead of the line.

    Building a solid brand reputation positions tech firms as reliable players in their field. To achieve this, focus on reputation marketing strategies that showcase your positive feedback, comments, and reviews. Reputation marketing thrives on great writing because it transforms ideas into impactful, relatable messages that resonate with audiences. This is where freelance copywriters come into play: they use communication tools to build credibility, foster emotional connections and engage stakeholders, which leads to passionate brand advocates and moves your business forward.
  • Harnessing the outside perspective: Why your sales copy needs fresh eyes

    In many startups and small and medium-sized tech firms, marketing materials are written by engineers or developers. Even though subject matter experts (SMEs) know the product inside and out they tend to focus far too much on the product’s technical aspects instead of what the product can do for the client. Hiring a freelance copywriter gives your brand the outsider perspective it needs to cut through the noise. They’ll spot blind spots your team might miss and craft messages that actually land with your audience. Fresh eyes bring bold ideas, keeping your content sharp, relevant, and built to resonate with customers on their terms.

    The art of applied technology is highlighting the parts that matter – not the minutiae that prevent prospects from seeing how they can benefit from it. When you’re listening to your favorite song, it’s not the chord changes and pitch translation invariance you notice – it’s the vocals and the rhythm section that capture your senses. It’s no different with marketing materials.
  • Authenticity wins: The power of originality in marketing materials

    Despite the fact that B2B buyers trust original research, less than 30% of content marketers produce their own, with most leaning heavily on third-party data. In the world of B2B writing, using reliable stats or insights is not a bonus—it’s essential for credibility. The right data makes your content stand out and boosts your authority, making it far more likely to get noticed and shared.

    Plus, freelance copywriters won’t rely on worn-out metaphors. “Time is money,” “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” “Flogging a dead horse,” undeniably fail to enthuse prospects and yet they creep their way into marketing materials all the time. Leaning on tired clichés is a surefire way to dilute your message and undermine the impact of your marketing materials. Hiring a freelance copywriter means your marketing materials will pulse with sharp, authentic language that hooks your audience instead of shoving them away. With the right words, you’ll cut through the destructions and make a lasting impression that keeps your brand top of mind.
  • A freelance copywriter saves you time

    Copywriters put one word in front of another for a living. This means it takes them a fraction of time it would take you to string a document together. Let’s say you have to put together a newsletter, brochure, white paper or a press release. You’d have to cut back on other important tasks that demand your attention or put longer hours at the office to get it done. Or you would have to wake up earlier. Or skip family dinner time. Or clone yourself. Instead of multitasking and trying to be a Jack of All Trades, give it some thought to hiring a professional writer. Because, if there’s anything you should cut back on – it’s the headache from trying to do everything by yourself.

Why settle for mediocre? Supercharge your marketing materials with a freelance copywriter

In the relentless grind of today’s marketing arena, clinging to DIY sales copy is like bringing a knife to a gunfight—just plain reckless. Your brand marketing materials are your brand’s first shot, and if they don’t hit hard from the start, you’re already down for the count. If you’re still unsure about the impact of words, let’s revisit what is freelance copywriting—it’s not about putting one word in front of another because anyone can do that. It’s about creating connections that convert.

Bringing a freelance copywriter on board will help you craft narratives that grab attention, stir emotions, and ignite action—skills that demand real expertise. Don’t let your brand blend into the background. Choose a freelance copywriter, and watch your messaging transform from forgettable to unforgettable in the blink of an eye.

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